How to Master Spam Management with Chat Breezes

Say Goodbye to Social Media Spam Overload with Automation Feature


Last Update hace 9 meses

Do you receive tons of social cold outreach messages per day? Are you tired of being notified for new messages but just find spam?

You can use the Automation in Chat Breezes to help you with it. 

1. Conditions Part:

  • Specify the situations where you encounter spam, such as keywords, a particular channel, a specific message type, or a certain type of contact.
  • If you know that spam has a higher chance of containing a link or URL, you can select "keywords" as condition and simply input, for example "https://".

2. Action Part:

  • Add tags and create a tag named "spam"
  • Choose "mark as done." 

In this case, all incoming conversations with these terms/words will be tagged automatically and then Mark as done.

You can then use the tag filter in the inbox module to prioritize and filter out these messages. Choose to view conversations with particular tags or even those with no tags, leaving the spam-tagged messages aside.

The new incoming messages that meet these conditions will be automatically marked as done, so you won't see them in the "unprocessed" folder.

Don't worry if you treat a message wrong; you can always go back to the "all message" folder to review those messages.

Happy spam-free messaging!

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