Why do I need to reconnect my social profiles?


Last Update 9 个月前

Due to the nature of social media platforms, authorization for connected profiles may expire or time out. 

When this happens, we will notify you timely with a yellow notification that appears at the bottom right of the screen. It's essential to quickly re-establish the connection to ensure seamless communication through Chat Breezes.

How do I reconnect my social profiles?

Reconnecting your social profiles in Chat Breezes is quick and easy. Follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the "Channel" section within your Chat Breezes dashboard.
  • Find the social profile(s) in question and click the "reconnect" button beside them.
  • Follow the prompts to reauthorize Chat Breezes to access your social media account(s) during the authorization process.

Will I lose any data when I reconnect my social profiles?

No, you won't lose any data when you reconnect your social profiles. 

Rest assured, all your past history and interactions will remain intact. This reauthorization simply allows us to continue providing you with uninterrupted service and enhance future workflows.

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